Copyright Meg Lawson Photography
Awkward Encounters
Untimely Saracasm
Certified Baller Mom
Building Random Crap from Scrap Wood
Getting 3 People Ready in 10 Minutes Flat
Eating Tacos
Pretending I'm a Superhero
My Story
Five years ago my world turned upside down. I was thrust into this world of single parenting. I had no idea what I was doing, heck I still have no idea what I am doing. For the longest time I have lived my life for the purpose of getting out of this space of single parenting, but I have realized that this is where God has me and I will give everything I have into this space and time.
I am fortunate enough to have so many people in my life that I call upon and that lift me up but it is so easy to be misunderstood in this space. Exhaustion takes over and we become really grumpy robots. We need others to say 'look I know where you are and I get it, let's do life together'. I want to live my life with purpose and hopefully can encourage others to do the same.
I am not starting this page because I have it all together, I am actually starting this page because of the exact opposite. I am a hot mess and I don't always have it altogether but this path in which I take was not meant for me to keep to myself. God can use us right where we are if we just let Him and I am letting Him use my broken spaces to shine His light.
Whether you are a single parent or even if you just need some encouragement to hear some real life, I hope you ride along with me! :-)